An ultrasound is a key part of pregnancy confirmation. To prepare for an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, go about pregnancy testing and learn more about what an ultrasound can do. In this article, we can help you be prepared for an ultrasound appointment.

First, Pregnancy Testing

A positive pregnancy test is necessary to determine whether you are eligible for an ultrasound. Pregnancy testing is very simple and painless.

At Hopeline Pregnancy Center, we provide on-site pregnancy testing services at no cost to you. All of our tests are lab-quality, meaning they have an over 99 percent accuracy rate. Our caring team can discuss your results with you right away and allow you to ask questions.

How Do Ultrasounds Work?

An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the uterus on the screen. It’s a very safe and effective pregnancy service.

Ultrasounds are important to safeguarding your health and confirming the health of your pregnancy. Our limited obstetrical ultrasounds at Hopeline can provide you with the following information:

  1. Viability (whether your pregnancy has a heartbeat and is progressing)
  2. Pregnancy Location (if your pregnancy is growing within the uterus)
  3. How far along you are (also called gestational age)

Ultrasounds can alert you to any possible complications. Some women can experience complications such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy (where the pregnancy grows outside the uterus) in early pregnancy.

Free Limited Obstetric Ultrasounds

Once you’ve received positive lab-quality pregnancy testing with a medical professional, an ultrasound is your next step to clarity.

At Hopeline Pregnancy Center, we offer free limited obstetric ultrasound once you’ve received a positive pregnancy test result with us. Once we have confirmed that you are pregnant, we are here to inform you about all your pregnancy options.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to learn more about your unique pregnancy details and what’s next for you. You can also text us at 203-450-9113. You are not alone!